Your decision to downsize from the family home often starts with a nagging thought in the back of your mind. Perhaps your family home is starting to feel empty, or a little too big, and its maintenance may be becoming a real chore or cause for stress.
It can be hard to face up to these questions when the family home has been an essential part of not just your life, but those of your spouse and children. Knowing when to start seriously thinking about downsizing relies more on an emotional feeling rather than any science.
Here are seven questions to ask yourself about your home right now.
1. Do you have more space than we need?
2. Has the home become overwhelming, either in terms of maintenance or even keeping up with the housework?
3. Does keeping up the maintenance on your home take too much out of you and a long time to recover from, especially big jobs like gardening or clean-ups?
4. Are you finding it hard to get around either your home or your garden? Sometimes you can feel the garden path is treacherous underfoot, or the stairs are becoming a little too much.
5. Are bills getting higher? Does it feel like the cash flow isn’t keeping up with the utility demands
6. How easy is it for you to access services from your current home? Can you get to the shops, or medical appointments even if you don’t have access to a car?
7. Do you need to keep a big home if you plan extensive travel? Whether you want to get overseas after Covid or travel around this great country of ours, maintaining a big, empty home is hard on your finances.
This information is general only and does not constitute professional advice. You should always seek professional advice concerning your particular circumstances before acting.
If any or all of these feelings are resonating with you, it might be time to look at your options. We have helped many of our clients move out of the family home into one that better suits their life. We get that it's not just about how you do it, but the support you need to do it. We know it can be a tough adjustment. That’s why we will guide you through it every step of the way no matter the situation you are in or where you want to be. Get in touch and we’ll help you begin the next stage of your life.
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Should I buy or sell first?
You might be surprised to learn that if you understand the process, one approach outweighs the other in terms of flexibility, time, and peace of mind if you meet the criteria.
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After more information on any of the topics?
Get in touch with us. We’ll get one of our team to contact you and answer any questions on the key info from the event.
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